Our friend Poki, looks like quality control check before shares are distributed |
Bounty from one week, Larry Close shares his ideas and wisdom |
Naomi Goldstick Rosner helps organize the garden |
Never underestimate the power of people. Mt Washington proves itself to be an awesome neighborhood: a local-our-'hood CSA. Okay, so many people know about CSA's (hurrah). But this one is on one end of the CSA spectrum. Mt Washington's CSA is self-funded by the member family who each contribute $50 with 27 member families, working one universal plot. That is one unusual thing. Everyone must contribute time to keeping up with maintainance and harvesting. That is unusual by the meer fact that people ARE in fact actually doing the hard work! Okay, so these two ingredients, TIME and MONEY, working together!!! Then the best part of the equation: Master Gardener, Larry Close, a neighbor and Master Gardener. He loves veggies, and can teach and direct others. The photos show just a moment in time: look at the bounty of just one week! Awesome.
Tomato Sandwich with Labne on Whole Food Seeduction Bread |
And after 45 minutes in the 100 degree day, I took my bounty home, pulled my happiest looking tomato out, and made a simple lunch sandwich! The one side of the seeduction bread has a spread of labne, which is a rich, thick yogurt common in mediterranean diet. It ensures that the bread doesn't get tooooo soggy. Then slices of warm, summer tomatoes (i forgot the variety). Amazingly delicious.
Summer tomatoes make this sweltering heat worth it!